Code, Art, InteractionDesign


I'm Judit. I like design, code, and anything visual. When I'm not designing, re-designing or developing websites, apps or anything else, I dance, experiment, learn, hang out with my stuffed animals and I also don't mind filling up a fresh cup of coffee or loose-leaf tea. I'm completely obsessed with my pet hamster named Sir Fluffy McHam.

My workspace. Good design is obvious. Great design is trasnparent.

Worskpace (2014) — quote by Joe Sparano


"Good design should be attractive, pleasurable, and wonderful to use. But the wonderfulness of use requires that the device be understandable and forgiving. It must follow the basic psychological principles that give rise to a feeling of understanding, of control, of pleasure. These include discoverability, feedback, proper mapping, appropriate use of constraints, and, of course, the power to undo one’s operations."

Article written by Don Norman and Bruce Tognazzini


PrestoDoctor Identity & Website Design

Workshop Cafe UX & Front-End Development

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Stills of life

Design Bit

Elaborate Square Rose

Relaxation exercise (2015)

Sacred geometry is used as a religious, philosophical, and spiritual term to explain the fundamental laws of the universe covering pythagorean geometry and the perceived relationships between geometrical laws and quantum mechanical laws of the universe that create the geometrical patterns in nature. In sacred geometry, symbolic and sacred meanings are ascribed to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions.

— from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia